December 8, 2005 Advisory Board


December 8, 2005

Kim Beasley                                                  Robin Bond

Kimo Corstorphine                                       Susan Jacquelin

Mike Nelson                                                   Scott Osborn

John Regan                                                   Richard Rice

Brad Rimell                                                    Randy Swindell

John Thielst                                                    Arlen Walsten

Rick Shema                                                   Troy Brown

Chris Woolaway                                            CAPT Manson Brown

LCDR Rick Raksnis                                     CAPT Terry Rice, Ret.

CAPT Paula Carroll                                      Ms. Skippy Sweet

LT Quincey Jones

AGENDA ITEM #1    Call to Order

            Robin called the meeting to order.   A quorum is present.

Introductions: Robin introduced Dave Castles of H.I. Expos and his wife Lena .

AGENDA ITEM #2      Approval of the Minutes of last meeting.

Robin asked that the Minutes of the previous meeting be reviewed for comments, changes or additions.    Hearing none, he asked for a motion to approve.    The Minutes were approved by unanimous vote.

AGENDA ITEM #3    Treasurer’s Report

Robin reported that we currently have $1,538.97.   This includes a $500 donation from the Hawaii Pilots Association and a $250 donation from the Honolulu Propeller Club.

AGENDA ITEM #4    Next Membership Meeting Topics

•           Robin presented the 2006 Calendar for approval.   A motion to approve was made and seconded and the calendar approved.

•           Mike Nelson discussed the next Boat Show.   It will be held at the Blaisdell Center instead of Ko’olina.    The discussed how they could not get Ko’olina and had looked at other water venues such as Pearl Harbor and Kaneohe MCAS but due to security and other issues these venues were not available.    Although Blaisdell is not ideal it does offer us some advantages as far as teaching opportunities for our outreach program and vender opportunities.  HOST is invited to have a booth.  

•           One possible topic would be to review the recent Kayak fatality.  Apparently the operator was not wearing a pfd.   We may not have enough information but this may be something we can look into.

•           Possibly we could have the USCG review the Cape Flattery Casualty Report findings.    These are now approved.   This could take about 15 minutes and should be interesting.

•           Another possible topic could be a review by Bill Anonsen on the first part of the legislative session.   This could let us know what is in the system.

•           Robin said that maybe we should consider an update on the Safety at Sea Seminars for every General Membership Meeting.  This would only take a few minutes and would be a way of keeping this program in front of the membership.  

AGENDA ITEM #5    Pending HOST Safety Issues

•           Safety at Sea Seminar  –  Susan Jacquelin reported that the Safety Seminar held in conjunction with the Harbor Fest didn’t work.   Probably due to too many simultaneous activities.    The subcommittee has plans for two future Seminars.    One to be held in either Haleiwa or Waianae.    The second to be held at the Boat Show and possibly the Hawaii Ocean Expo.

            The next meeting of the subcommittee will be held on January 11th , at 4:30 pm at USCG offices Pier 4.

•           SOP 7-98 Multiple Cruise Ships visiting Offshore Port Anchorages.

Kim reported that we are not going to see much happen on this until the first quarter of 2006 due to the holiday season.

            •           Harbor Tug Assist  –  Robin reported that State Harbors has been working on this subject.    They expect to be coming out with                             a paper presentation for discussion.    Interested parties are now in a “waiting” mode.

•           SOP 10-98 (Draft) Vessel Dispersion Plan  –  LCDR Rick Raksnis.

He does not anticipate that anything will happen on this subcommittee until the early part of 2006.

•           Shore Entry Safety Subcommittee  –  Robin proposed that a group be assembled to discuss the possibility of an educational effort to help shore divers and other beach goers understand the risks involved in shoreline diving.    A core group of experienced people will be discussing the possibility of developing a brochure or other educational opportunities to try and cut down on the number of shoreline fatalities.    More to come on this.

AGENDA ITEM #6    Old Business

•           Harbor Fest was a success.    The harbor tours were packed and the activity in general brought in a crowd.

•           Boating Law Administrator’s Workshop.    Robin reported that safety issue communication is an issue at smaller ports like Samoa .  It was suggested that they form a HOST type committee to help this communication effort.    Over all the workshop was well attended.

•           The Laupahoehoe Boat Ramp is in bad condition.    This may be a safety issue that HOST should help to communicate to the County of Hawaii .   The ramp is steep and is subject to bad wave and swell conditions.    It has also deteriorated to the point where it has exposed rebar.     Robin said he will look into whether HOST can contribute anything to this issue and will report to the Big Island Parks Director.

AGENDA ITEM #7  New Business

•           Hawaii Ocean Sports Expo   –  Dave and Lena Castle presented information on the upcoming Hawaii Ocean Sports Expo.    This will be held on February 4th and 5th at the Convention Center.    This is the first of its kind in Hawaii and they wanted to extend to HOST an invitation to have a booth.   Other activities include a Super Pool for teaching snorkeling and swimming will be there.   Willy K will be holding a concert on the 3rd.   There will be a fashion show on beach wear including a bikini show.    Also, there will be a big screen television of the Super Bowl.     They are hoping for a big success to help promote water commercial activities but expressed some concern that this may not be a popular here in Hawaii as it is generally on the mainland.

•           One Man Kayak Safety Committee  –  Robin reported that there is nothing to report on this subject yet.    This is a safety initiative that started with canoes in and around commercial vessels.   We are currently looking for the right venue and people to try to extend the canoe safety initiatives to the one-man kayak group as it is the beginning our their season.     More to come.

AGENDA ITEM #8   USCG Concerns

•           LTJG Quincy Adams reported that the USCG is looking to begin a regulatory initiative to change the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations to include many of the annual marine events as activities recognized in CFR’s.    This would mean that special permits would not have to be acquired.   This will probably take place over the next year.

AGENDA ITEM #9    –   State of Hawaii Concerns  ( DOT Harbors and DLNR)

•           No State report was presented.

AGENDA ITEM #10  –  Coast Guard Auxiliary Issues  –  John Regan reported that the Auxiliary has been doing Safe Boating Training.  The 17th Flotilla has also been conducting Safe Boating inspections.

AGENDA ITEM #11  –  Announcements:

            There we no announcements at this time.

Robin asked if there were any further comments.   Hearing none he adjourned the meeting.


 Executive Board Meeting:

             January 12th ,   3:00 pm ,   Hawaii Yacht Club located in

            the Ala Wai Yacht Harbor .

 General Membership Meeting:

             February 16th,   2:00 pm ,   Honolulu Community College Marine

                        Education Training Center just over the bridge off Sand Island Road

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