HOST Advisory Board Meeting Minutes of April 19, 2001
Subject to Board Approval
Members Present:
Robin Bond, Ed Araki, Clarence Chong, Warren Ditch, Captain Gil Kanazawa, Bill Mossman, Mike Latham, Brad Rimell, Anne Stevens, Terry White, Mark Willis, Christine Woolaway, Roy Yee.
Members Absent:
Kiwi Albrecht, Bill Anonsen, Randy Cates, Mike DeRego, Mike Duvall, Russell Rippetoe, Barry Solywoda, Charlie Stone.
Members Excused:
Barbara Defranco, Sam Forbes, Tom Heberle, Michael Heisler, Giles Loftin, Terry O’Halloran, Pat Pettigrew, Charlie Pires, Jim Walsh.
Call to Order:
The monthly HOST Advisory Board meeting was held on Thursday, April 19, 2001. Robin Bond, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:07pm, at KEMS Electric at Pier 35.
Minutes Approved:
The minutes from February 15, 2001, were revised and approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Christine Woolaway passed out copies of the HOST Checking
Account report. Chris informed the Advisory Board that the IRS check has not cleared and that HOST has $375.77 in the bank.
Critique of the April Membership Meeting:
The meeting was well attended and the cake was good! Robin suggested that we have a second reminder go out on the Monday before the meeting. Robin also asked if the meeting agenda could go out earlier. Mike asked if on the E-mail meeting notice that we include the date, place and time so it will be easier to pass it on to others.
Status of Next Membership Meetings:
Tom Heberle will facilitate the June 14th general membership meeting, which will cover the status of Barbers Point. Tom wasn’t able to attend, but sent a memo to Robin about the meeting. He doesn’t have the speakers lined up yet, but the topics he would like to cover are as follows:
It was also suggested that we add Lt. Cmdr. Lane Johnston to do a presentation on the Marine Exchange (a 10 min. power point). It was decided that Capt. Kanazawa would give an update on the Asian Development Bank Conference.
Topics for future meetings:
-An informational update on the Ehime Maru.
* October
-John Clark’s book on Hawaii Coastal Site Names will be out in October.
Action: Bill asked if Pat could follow up with the Navy to address surface, air as well as underwater potential impacts.
New HOST Safety Issues:
A. Brad Rimell brought up the April 13th incident between the SS Lurline, Tug Henry Sr., and approximately 20 Friday sailboat racers. Brad shared the concerns of Sause and Matson. It was decided that until the next meeting in June, an adhoc subcommittee of the Mamala Bay would be asked to convene and develop a SOP to deal with this situation. DLNR needs to be a part of this effort. Chris will check on the subcommittee roster and contact previous subcommittee members.
Recreational Vessel Safety Req.:
Bill Mossman informed the Advisory Board that there is no change on SB 216 and it appears dead for the year.
A. Anne informed the Advisory Board that to date, she has received three
(3) $250 and one (1) $100 donation for HOST. Warren will talk to the Hawaiian Tug and Barge about the possibility of providing a donation to HOST.
Action: If anyone would like to make a donation to be auctioned, please inform Robin or Pat.
Action: Robin will organize a meet with Kim Beasley and Tom Collins of the Propeller Club, to discuss the possibility of HOST receiving some of the funds that are available.
Action: Robin and Brad will review the Venegas proposal, consider alternative options and report back to the Advisory Board at the next meeting.
Board Membership:
A. Robin informed the Advisory Board of the meeting he had with the Commodores Association. The Commodores asked Susan Harper (HYRA) and Stan Radlo (HCA) to represent the Yachting industry on the HOST Advisory Board.
Other Business:
A. Ocean Day, to be held on June 6, 2001, was discussed by the Advisory
Board. It was suggested that Terry O’Halloran be asked if he would be willing to make a presentation at Ocean Day.
Action: Each Advisory Board member was asked to review the HOST Accomplishments list to verify the maritime industry attributed to each accomplishment.
General membership meetings were distributed, which contained blanks for missing documents. Robin asked each Advisory Board member to check their files to see if they had any of the documents, and provides copies to him at the next Advisory Board meeting accomplishments.
The meeting was adjourned at 1755.
The next Advisory Board meeting will be on May 17 at 1500.