The meeting was held at the Honolulu Community College Maritime Training Center and had 30 attendees.

Call To Order:

Robin Bond called the meeting to order.

Update on Maritime Security Issues:  LCDR Rick Raksnis -The comment period for the Security Zones is finished they received 6 comments.  The Coast Guard will respond to each.

Should the Counties take over the management of the small boat harbors? : Richard Rice, Administrator DOBOR – The Counties have been offered the small boat harbors, no comment yet. Peter Young’s quest, “How can we do it better?”  is at the beginning phase.  They are collecting data on privatization and identifying stakeholders in this issue. How do we service them?  How do we catch up on funding?  Robin asked, What can HOST do to get the message out?

Richard said that DOBOR doesn’t qualify for Revenue bonds and that privatization is up for discussion.  Senator Inouye’s Ferry money was $25 million but it is more like $20 million. ?

Endangered Marine Species; Because of the federal legislation the State will have no laws all of the State rules are null and void.  There needs to be quick action taken this opens the potential for jet skies all year round.

Safety At Sea Education Program Update:  Susan Harper the committee met yesterday and they will develop:

1.      Education program to take to the users.  Road shows, fishing, yacht clubs, etc.  The committee will be utilizing the USCG Aux. 

2.      1 page bulletin designed for locals that show 10+ of the most important things that boaters should know so that they can return safely. Distribution by mail, clubs and at boat ramps

3.      Get to boaters through their families.

4.      Next meeting is September 22nd.


            Maritime Industry Day: September 21st 9-12:00 pm cost is $25.00 which includes lunch. 

            Get The Drift & Bag It! September 18th.

            Northwestern Hawaiian Island Multi Agency Cleanup:  Rene Mansho discussed the recovery recycling process used for the cleanup. 

            Melon-headed Whale:  Nothing definitive on the cause.  NMFS will be hiring a scientist to address some of the questions.

Robin adjourned the meeting.