
Robin Bond, Chairman, Kim Beasley, CIC, Bob Heidrich, HYC, Susan Harper, HYC, Robin Beasley, CIC, Bernie Bender, Jeff Brennan, CSX, Louie Alday, Mike Nelson, Brad Rimell, Commercial Towing, CDR John Sifling, USCG, Chris Woolaway, Sea Grant, Bill Mossman, Rec. Boating, Arlen Walsten, Ocean Rec., Terry Rice., USCG Ret.                                                    

Call To Order and Approval of the Minutes

Chairman Robin Bond opened the meeting.    A quorum was present and the minutes were reviewed for approval.   The minutes were approved by consensus.

Robin mentioned that he sent the last minutes via e-mail to the entire HOST membership including about 20 to 30 legislators.

AGENDA Item #3  –  Treasurer’s Report

Chris Woolaway reported that the IRS was still reviewing our submittal.   As reported last time, no news is probably good news.   The bank balance is approximately the same as the last meeting reported at $1,515.98.  Activities include the Christmas Party expenditures, however, these were more than covered by donations of $250.00 from the Propeller Club and $250.00 from the Pilots.     Thanks to everyone.

AGENDA Item #4  –   Annual Party Critique

Robin reported on the Christmas Party.    A good time was had by all, however we didn’t quite have the turn out we hoped for.   Approximately 40 to 50 people attended.   Discussion followed on how to improve attendance.  Ideas included changing the date to one week earlier, or perhaps having a draw such as the new UH research boat for attendees to tour.   Lots of door prizes were available thanks to CSX and Kems Electric.   Also, Sause contributed a fully cooked slab of beef.    Also, as mentioned in the Treasurer’s report, financial support came from the Pilots and the Propeller Club.  Kim pointed out that although he was in Chicago at the time,  he was made aware of a major Oahu power outage just before the start of the Christmas Party.    Discussion indicated that although the power at the Yacht Club was never lost, the outage did affect traffic all though out Honolulu and this might have discouraged some people planning to attend.  

AGENDA Item #5  –   Membership Meeting Topics

Robin reported on issues that have come up that may prove to be good membership meeting topics.

a.            Security Areas  –    CMDR John Sifling reported that the USCG proposed Security Areas NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rule Making)  is currently on the Docket for comments to the Federal Register.   The comment period is for 60 days.    One of the main changes in the new proposed regulations is that the Chevron and Tesoro mooring at Barber’s Point are combined into one Security Zone.   Anyone wishing to make comments is encouraged to.   HOST’s thoughts have already been incorporated into the proposed rules.  Robin thinks this would be a good topic for HOST to help reaching out to a wider sector of the marine community.   Everyone agreed and as soon as the rules are developed we will work with the USCG to help get out the word.     It is certainly a possible topic for a membership meeting presentation

b.         Range Lights  –   Robin sent out an e-mail to all the members of the Board regarding a request from a USCG group on the mainland.    They were making inquiries as to whether other areas of the country were experiencing significant conflicts between shore side night lighting and navigational signal lighting.    The general feedback was that although we may not have significant problems we certainly do have conflicts.   One example sited was right here coming into the Ala Wai Yacht Harbor entrance.    This may be a good discussion for a membership meeting.   We could present the situation and ask for general feedback from the community.    This is a good HOST project.   It was recommended that we make up a comment sheet to attach to the minutes of that meeting for those who did not attend.

AGENDA Item #6  –   Pending HOST Safety Issues:

a.            DOBOR – Boating Safety Education Program  –  Robin 

            Not a lot of progress on this as the State is going through some management changes currently.

            Pearlyn has not called back so currently no news on this program.


b.            Kawaihae Harbor Tug and Barge Safety – Robin


Not a lot of progress on this as the State is going through some management changes currently.   We are currently waiting for a new director to be selected before we send out our letter.

c.            Harbor Entry During a Disaster        – Brad and Chris

            Progress on this is still pending a meeting.   Nothing yet.

AGENDA Item #7  –   Fifth Annual Harbor Safety Conference

Robin reported that the Fifth Annual Harbor Safety Conference will be held April 6th – 9th, on the east coast.    As reported at the last meeting the estimated cost for Robin to attend is approximately $2,000.00 dollars.    As this is more than we have in our back account, we are hoping to move forward with this with the assistance of Sause Brothers and other generous members.   Brad said he would look into finding some donations.   More to follow.

AGENDA Item  #8  –  Homeland Security –  CMDR John Sifling, USCG

This was discussed earlier under potential meeting topics.   John added that it looks like the new regs will be finalized by March or April.

AGENDA Item #9  –  Announcements


1.         Robin reported that Teri Leicher of the Hawaii Isle Recreational SCUBA Association has informed us that they are having a Maritime Industry Day.  This will be held at the Rainbow Bay Marine – Pearl Harbor.    Robin and Capt. Skuby have been asked to speak.   Chris pointed out that while discussing HOST perhaps he showcase the S.O.P. developed by HOST on diving.

2.         Robin announced that Warren Ditch is no longer with Hawaiian Tug & Barge but has moved to Sause Brothers.    Mr. Bill Boland of Smith Maritime will move up to replace him as an alternate on the Board.  Robin asked for a motion to endorse this change.   The motion was made seconded and approved.

3.         Robin reported that the Whale Sanctuary has been reauthorized for five years.   The Whale Sanctuary people are proposing new restrictions.   They also want to find ways to reach out to boaters in the community.     This could be a possible topic for a Membership Meeting.     They could present the specifics on their proposed rules and penalties.     He will follow up on this.

4.         Chris Woolaway reported that a bill is being considered in the Legislature that would put the Harbors currently under the Dept. of Land and Natural Resources back under the Dept. of Transportation.    She will try to find out more about this bill including the number.

5.         Terry Rice asked whether DLNR or DBED have lists available of commercial boating and commercial boating associations.   He wants to try to identify target audiences that may be carrying passengers.   There are some new proposed security regulations on the Federal Register that are pretty rigorous.    For example, to go on a dinner cruise you would have to screen all the passengers and have armed guards on board.

            HOST was looking for such a list at one time.    The problem is they exist but there are privacy issues involved.    Terry would follow up on this.

6.         Terry Rice announced that CMDR John Sifling will be leaving MSO Honolulu to relocate to Juneau, Alaska to become the Commanding Officer.      Congratulations John and thanks for all the help! 

The next meetings are as follows:

·          Next Board Meeting                      February 13, 2003

·          Next Membership Meeting                      February 20th, 2003


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.