HOST General Membership Meeting Minutes of June 14, 2001

Attendees:   30

Call to Order:            

The bi-monthly HOST General Membership meeting was held on Thursday, June 14, 2001.  The meeting was called to order by Robin Bond, Chair, at 1400, at Club 14, USCG ISC Honolulu. 


Robin Bond, Chair for the HOST Advisory Board opened the meeting by introducing Tom Heberle as the Facilitator of this meeting.

Barbers Point Presentation:              

Milton Yoshimoto and Stan Bock of the Army Corp of Engineers, and Randy Leong of the Harbors gave a brief presentation of what is happening at Barbers Point Harbor. Bill Thayer from the Barbers Point Advisory Council and Jim Banigan from Hawaii Metals also gave presentations on Barbers Point.

Portmaster Internet System:                   

LCDR Lane Johnson from the USCG presented the Portmaster Internet system to the general membership.  The Portmaster is a web-based port solution to improve safety and efficiency of government and commercial maritime transportation operations.  Currently, there is an absence of a consolidated approach to waterways information management.  This system will collect, analyze, and disseminate “real time” information.  It has a maritime industry directory, which will provide easy access to point of contact numbers. 

Bill Davis from the DOT Harbors Division provided information on their Comprehensive Integrated Database System (CIDS) project.  CIDS is used for vessel traffic, scheduling, accounting, and property and engineering management.  The system features pop-up menus that include actual time of arrivals and departures.  Although it’s an internal system, DOT Harbors are willing to provide the information to other agencies. 


1.   Christine Woolaway informed the membership of the identification of the plastic straw looking items that have washed ashore on the beaches in Hawaii.  The straws are believed to be from trawl nets.  Now that the plastic straws have been identified, the industry can trace the product back to the manufacturer.

2.   Hawaii Metal Recycling will take the net debris that have been recovered from the reefs and on shore, chop it up and burn it at H Power to generate fuel.  This action will prevent thousands of pounds of net from being placed in landfills. 


The meeting was adjourned at 1600.

The next General Membership meeting will be on August 9th, at 1400.