September 9, 2010 Advisory Board

HOST Advisory Board Meeting

September 9, 2010

Bob Heidrich                                                             Kim Beasley                         

Robin Bond                                                              Warren B. Ditch Jr.                         

CDR Jason Neubauer                                            Chris Woolaway

Capt. Terry Rice Retired                                         Brad Rimell

Oy Branum                                                                Lt. Kyle Ryan

Reggie White                                                            Mark Winslow

AGENDA ITEM #1    Call to Order

 Robin called the meeting to order.   A quorum was not present.

AGENDA ITEM #2     Approval of the Minutes of last meeting.

Minutes for the last General  Meeting were discussed for future approval.

AGENDA ITEM #3    Treasurer’s Report

Chris Woolaway reported that current funds total $2,865.01

AGENDA ITEM #4    General Membership Meeting critique

•              The Board felt that the general meeting went well and was very informative. It included a presentation on hurricane/tsunami evacuation issues and a preview of new tsunami evacuation maps by C&C Emergency Management. Christine Brammer and Hans Van Tilburg from NOAA gave presentations on the Whale Sanctuary and NOAA’s preservation of maritime heritage.

AGENDA ITEM #5    HOST General Meeting Topics

•           Reggie White distributed an adhoc report on an incident in Ala Wai Harbor in which a “crazed” boater crashed his boat into another at the fuel dock and then threatened people.   Enforcement was blurry between Honolulu Police and USCG, DOCARE, DLNR and others for after hours and jurisdictional boundaries.   Brad Rimell suggested we have a panel discussion with these major players to educate HOST Members on emergency response.   Maybe this is a 911issue as the average citizen is trained to call 911. Robin asked the group to think about this and consider other topics.

AGENDA ITEM #6  New Business  

•           Neil Kanemoto pointed out by e-mail that DOCAR is voicing concern over conflicts between ocean recreational users.    There needs to be some type of education process regarding “rules of the road” and how to avoid conflicts.

•           There is going to be a “Town Hall” meeting at the Central Union Church to discuss the Operating Plan.   People should attend.


•           Flare Disposal    Chris Woolaway reported that H-Power is going to try an experimental burn.   They are concerned about the Air environmental issues.   We are also looking to see if the incinerator that we are considering has a scrubber on it.

•           Falls of Clyde  Chris reported that they now have funding for a project manager to help with transition.   They have also applied for a grant from the Save our National Treasures.    There will be a Historic Ship Conference in Baltimore later this year in which there will be a discussion on the Falls.    

AGENDA ITEM #8   USCG Concerns

•           No concerns at this time.   The Safety Zone for the Blue Angels has been modified so that it does not block the channels.

AGENDA ITEM #9   –   State of Hawaii Concerns  (DOT Harbors and DLNR)

•           No one in attendance

AGENDA ITEM #10  –  Coast Guard Auxiliary Issues

            •           They will have a booth at the Air Show in Kaneohe. (Blue Angels)

•           No news.


•           Hawaii Fishing and Seafood Festival will be held October 10th.  You are invited to help with the booth.

•           National Association of State Boating Law Administrators is having a meeting on September 10th – 14th.   HOST will attend.

•              Pacific States BC Oil Spill Taskforce will be holding their General Meeting on October 6th at the Hilton Hawaiian Village.

•                              Robin reported that Noa Napoleon called to follow up on his concerns about safety in the Hilton Channel where surfing classes are occurring.  He just wanted say that there have been further incidents and he still has his concerns.

•           Get The Drift and Bag It will be held on September 25th.    Hopefully we will have a good turn out.


Executive Board Meeting:

            October 14, 2010 at 3:00 pm,   Hawaii Yacht Club located in

            the Ala Wai Yacht Harbor.

General Membership Meeting:

October 21, 2010 at 2:00 pm,  Honolulu Community College Maritime Training Center.

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