September 9, 2004 Advisory Board


Kim Beasley                                                              LCDR Kevin Nishimura

Kimo Corstorphine                                                   Bob Heidrich                        

Chris Woolaway                                                        LCDR Rick Raksnis

Capt. Terry Rice, Ret.                                               Bill Anonsen

Brad Rimell                                                                Robin Bond

Chris Woolaway

AGENDA ITEM #1    Call to Order

            Robin called the meeting to order.   Currently no quorum.

Robin opened the meeting with a report on the National Harbor Safety Conference planning committee.    They are looking for topics for the April 2005 meeting.    He recommended recreational boater safety education.    Also, they have dropped their National Website contractor (Adam Brown) and decided to develop it in house.   The USCG has decided to try and do this and have something in place by October.    It would include a “chat room” for presenting and discussing issues across the many committees.

AGENDA ITEM #2      Approval of the Minutes of last meeting.

AGENDA ITEM #3    Treasurer’s Report

Chris Woolaway reported that we currently have $1,634.35.  

AGENDA ITEM #4    Next Membership Meeting Topics

•           Rick suggested that Randy Cates responded to about 90 small salvage incidents.    He seemed willing to speak about that.  Maybe he can discuss techniques he uses or typical problems/incidents he sees.  

•           An update on Security Issues

•           LCDR Rick Raksnis volunteered to give an report on Maritime Industry Day.

•           Maybe we could get a panel discussion going on the proposed new ferry system.    A number of issues could be discussed from harbor infrastructure to Union issues.   Terry White may be able to answer a lot of the questions people have.

•           Brad suggested that it may be good to have some of the  Board Members form a panel and ask if anybody has any concerns.  In his experience, when commercial companies speak to safety issues it is usually from the harbor buoy in i.e. harbor conflicts.  

•           Bill Anonsen suggested that we may be able to have DOT Harbors discuss upcoming capital projects that are planned for the next year or so. 

•           Kim asked whether Bill Anonsen would be interested in discussing the project that he is working on to ship garbage to Washington State .    He said it needs a little more work before he can speak about it.

•           Terry Rice suggested that HOST create a Annual Report format that discusses safety issues over the last year, HOST activities, where we expect to go in the next year.    Address issues related to the major constituency groups that compose HOST.   What format would this take?    A verbal summary of a written report?   Also don’t forget that we may be able to include neighbor island issues which sometimes takes a back burner.  

AGENDA ITEM #5    State Involvement with HOST

Also it is hard to get participation from State Harbors and DLNR.   Rod Haraga of Harbors has committed to Robin that somebody from Harbors will participate with HOST.   We have yet to get a response from Peter Young of DLNR.  However, Richard Rice and Ed Underwood have been willing to participate. Perhaps we can give them (DLNR/DOT Harbors) a chance at each general meeting to speak on anything they want.   This is a chance for them to share the good things they are accomplishing.

AGENDA ITEM #6    Safety At Sea Subcommittee  –  Susan Harper

Susan Harbor is on the neighbor islands so we have no report.

AGENDA ITEM #7    Executive Board Membership

We have a need to try and develop members that will show up at meetings.  A number of constituencies don’t show up and this impacts our ability to function.   Kim suggested that the nature of the decisions that we make doesn’t really warrant a requirement for extensive diversity.   Although highly desirable should it be a show stopper?    Robin is asking for guidance.   If anyone knows of people that may be able to participate and represent one of the less active constituencies, please let me know.   Jeff Conners has taken Bill Anonsen’s place at NCL and he has expressed an interest in participating on the HOST Board.    A good place for him is Foreign Vessels.

AGENDA ITEM #8    Pending HOST Safety Issues

            •           SOP 6-98 Commercial VHF Comms.   Hector

Hector Venegas is excused so we have no report on this.

•           SOP 8-98 Explosive Handling Revisions   Robin

Robin has received no comments or concerns and so the revised SOP is approved as written.

•           Kawaihae Harbor Tug and Barge Safety  –  Robin

            Nothing new on this.

•           PR Education Committee  –  Julia Morgan is excused so we have no report on this.

•           SOP 9-98 Use of Seafarer’s Hall for tempo shelter  –   Terry Rice

            Terry has nothing new to report on this effort at this time.

•           Canoes in Honolulu Harbor Channel  –  Update

            Nothing new to report on this issue

AGENDA ITEM #9    Homeland Security  –  Rick Raksnis and Kevin Nishimura

•           The USCG is finalizing their response to the six comments received on the Security Zones.   Final ruling should be coming out soon.

AGENDA ITEM #10    State of Hawaii Concerns

As there are no State Representatives present no report was forthcoming.

AGENDA ITEM #11    Announcements

•           The Honolulu Harbor Festival has been scaled back.   The Harbor Tours and canoe race are cancelled.

•           The Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs and OHA are going to conduct community meetings to gather information for the Hawaii Ocean Summit.    This is related ocean resource management issues.  The first meeting is October 5.   Chris will get more information to Robin.

•           Mike Buck called Chris and asked about the Get The Drift and Bag It.    He will be putting some information on his radio show.    This will target the maritime folks and may help increase the clean up at Keehi Lagoon.

•           Bob reported that the Windward Community College currently has a wonderful show on ancient Hawaiian navigation being presented at the Holulani Imaginarium.    This is a state of the art planetarium.   He highly recommends it.    For more information about the planetarium and the show go on line at



Executive Board Meeting:

            October 14, 2004 ,   3:00 pm ,   Hawaii Yacht Club located in

            the Ala Wai Yacht Harbor .

General Membership Meeting:

            October 21, 2004 ,   2:00 pm ,   Honolulu Community College Marine Education Training Center

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